Teensyville - No Greater Joy
...by Steven Medway. This contains characters from the core editions only. You can run it using the tokens included in the retail copy of the game.

This script is designed for fast, fun, loud, and easy to understand games. If you want a twenty minute game, or a series of twenty minute games, then No Greater Joy should be just the ticket. If your group has played Trouble Brewing, the majority of the characters will already be familiar, but there are a few extras from other editions. The players should understand the majority of what is happening, without needing to learn anything radically new.
The large amount of initial information, from the Clockmaker, Investigator, Empath, Chambermaid, and Artist, should get the good team chatting quickly about what they know, and to have some genuine leads as to which player is the Demon.
This information the good team receives is fairly simple, but when combined with that of other players, it may even be TOO good! It is going to be up to the evil team to jump in early and spread misinformation as quickly as possible, in order to confuse the good team. If the evil team stays silent, they may lose unexpectedly. If they talk convincingly though, there are several good characters to pretend to be that will drastically shift the good team’s beliefs about who is who.
The most important characters for the good team to pay attention to are the Scarlet Woman and the Baron. Figuring out which of these Minions are in play will be a crucial step in finding the Demon. If a Scarlet Woman is in play, then the player executed on the first day might actually be the Demon. If the Baron is in play, then the player claiming to be the Klutz can be trusted, and the good team will need to figure out which of them is drunk, or face the consequences of trusting their own bad information.
The most important characters for the evil team to pay attention to are the Klutz and the Sage. If the Klutz is in play, then the Demon knows that the Minion is a Baron (for a five player game), and that a good player is drunk. If the Klutz is not in play, then an evil player may need to bluff as the Klutz in order to convince the good team that the Baron is in play, and therefore a good player is drunk, or else face the combined might of the good team’s co-ordinated information. (Although things get a little more complicated at six players). If the Sage is in play, the Demon will need to think seriously about who to kill at night – the wrong choice could mean game over. If the Sage is not in play, then the Demon killing themselves at night and then claiming to be the Sage (or the Klutz!) could be a game-winning move!
Please note that the Baron, which normally adds two Outsiders, will only add one Outsider if there is already one Outsider in play, as there are only two Outsiders on the script.