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Meet the Team ‌

The Pandemonium Institute and the Blood on the Clocktower team are based in Sydney, Australia. Let us know if you're in town.

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Ben Burns

Community Development & Video Gaming

I've been working as a video games journalist for the last several years, but tabletop has always been my first love. I'm obsessed with roleplaying and social deduction, so Blood on the Clocktower, with its curious combination of the two, instantly attracted me to it. I spend my free time collecting weird old tat that no other sensible person would spend their money on. I currently have a pretty beefy collection of old Sega consoles and games and I'm quietly confident that they're going to make a big comeback...any day now...

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Andy Churchill

Social Media & Photography

I have a background working with children and have been known to bake many sweet Blood on the Clocktower themed delicious treats. If The Pandemonium Institute accidentally becomes a cake shop instead of a games publisher, I may be the most responsible.

I'm out to show the world what Blood on the Clocktower is all about, one amazing Instagram photo at a time.

My first ever role is lost in the sands of time, but I’ll never forget winning as The Imp in a 15-player game, even if I did have to sacrifice one of my minions to do it.

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Evin Donohoe

Business & Legals & Production & More

Steven once wrote that “Evin sleeps twenty minutes a day and doesn't know the difference between work and play.” This is about the most accurate summary of me ever put in to words. I've got a background in performance and in US politics, and pretty much all my recreational time is dedicated to finding different fun ways to spend time talking with my friends. This lead me into hosting a bi-annual board games festival in my own home and is what introduced me to Blood on the Clocktower. I think it's an awesome game that has good socialising at its core, and I'm a part of The Pandemonium Institute so that I can bring this game and more like it into the world.

My first ever role was the Baron and then I wasn't evil again for literally four months. No one ever believed me.

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Steven Medway

Game Design & Art Director & Technical Manager

I studied everything at University that starts with 'P' and I like to go to the gelato parlor for breakfast. I'm the creator of Blood on the Clocktower, seven more games, and have made mods for about a million others. Blood on the Clocktower is the first game that I've made the decision to try and share with the world. It's been a totally joyous ride so far and I've met so many amazing people. With any luck and a lot of love we can keep it rolling and The Pandemonium Institute can keep making more great games after Blood on the Clocktower is out.

My first ever role, in Blood on the Clocktower's first ever game, was the Storyteller – in a crowded room with so many spectators that I was using a curtain rod to reach across the space and prod people awake. The game has since evolved beyond the need for curtain rods but that was a fun introduction.

Blood on the Clocktower is a captivating new bluffing and deduction game -- ‌Order a copy here!

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