Some players are not able to easily move about the space during a game of Clocktower. Whilst we recommend that all players stay within the ‘circle’ or within the room, some Storytellers prefer to encourage their players to move about the play space more dramatically, in order to have private conversations. For players that have some kind of mobility impairment we have found that the following tips are helpful:

  • Before the game begins, tell the group that a certain player would prefer that other players visit them, rather than the other way around, when anyone wants to have a private conversation. This player may request that others come sit next to them, to share a private conversation, but may not be moving about the space to sit next to others.
  • Players that can freely and easily move about the space find it much easier to manoeuvre themselves into positions where they can ensure their conversation is private, while less mobile players are not able to. Before the game begins, the player with the mobility issue can create a “privacy signal”. It can be a special word, phrase, or hand signal. If this player is having a conversation with someone, and someone else is nearby and overhearing, the player can use this “privacy signal” to request that their conversation remains private.

Whilst a Storyteller’s mobility is more necessary than the players’, since the Storyteller needs to be able to move around the space frequently, someone in a wheelchair can still take on the Storyteller role.

  • The lower height of the Storyteller means that players would normally be able to see inside the Grimoire during the night phase. To overcome this, a piece of cloth can be clipped to the top edge of the grimoire, and lifted up by the Storyteller when needed. This means that the Storyteller can see inside the Grimoire when needed, but the contents will be hidden from view from the players. A third clip is included in the game and can be used for this purpose.
  • A Storyteller in a wheelchair may need to move around unnecessarily at night, to avoid the sound giving clues to players as to which players have been woken by the Storyteller, and which have not. This is also good advice for Storytellers generally, but particularly useful for Storytellers using a wheelchair to move around.